BWB#71: Bi-Weekly Bits becomes The Long Game

Hello friends,

After 3.5 years, I figure it's about time to update the name for this newsletter.

Here's why.

Bi-Weekly Bits becomes The Long Game

The first edition of Bi-Weekly Bits went out on January 17, 2021.

Back then, I hadn't yet made the leap to solo coach.

But I was thinking about it, and I started the newsletter as a forcing function - something that forced me to really think about what I know and believe with regards to running a company, and put them to paper for others to read.

The name came about in a similar way.

Putting "Bi-Weekly" in the title would force me to stick to a twice-a-month schedule, although I did miss a few over the years, especially during conference season.

The second part, "Bits", alluded to the zeroes and ones that make up all digital information, including games. Also, it alliterated nicely with "Bi-Weekly".

But here's the thing.

As I've found my footing as a videogame business coach, the title started to feel more and more like something I had outgrown.

First of all, as it turns out, I'm not organized enough to consistently put out a bi-weekly newsletter when the rest of my work gets busy. 😅

And while I still do everything in my power to stick to that schedule whenever I can, having it in the title is starting to feel a bit disingenuous to my readers.

Second, I have now committed so wholly to the games industry as the community I want to serve, that the "Bits" part feels a bit too generic.

In fact, the whole title says virtually nothing about the contents I share in each edition.

So I'm changing it.

From here on out, I'll be publishing my newsletter under the title The Long Game.

Why The Long Game?

First and foremost, it's because the concept of "playing the long game" is exactly what I stand for, what I help my clients with, and what I want to help others do through my newsletter.

Playing the long game, with regards to company management, is all about building something lasting, about investing in solid foundations that will pay dividends for years and decades to come.

And that is exactly the type of content that I share: tips, tools, and frameworks that will help you to build the foundations for a truly great videogame company that will stand the test of time.

Second, it will be easier to recognize that this newsletter is related to videogames. Maybe I'll try to work a reference to that into the logo at some point to make it even more obvious. Who knows.

So this is the last edition of Bi-Weekly Bits that you will receive. Next week, you will receive the first edition of The Long Game, with the same content that you have grown accustomed to.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. I hope you will stick around for the next part so we can learn to excel at the long game together. 🙏


What do you think of the new name? Let me know by replying to this email, or by leaving a comment on Linkedin.


See you next week!


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Martijn van Zwieten

Best practices, models and frameworks that will help you run and grow a business in the videogames industry.

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