TLG#77: Introducing The LONG GAME Performance Report

Issue #77

Hello friends,

Greetings from Utrecht!

Not everyone I talk to is ready to jump head-first into a coaching trajectory.

Some companies first want to know where they stand, what works and what doesn't.

They want assurances that their current structures, processes and habits will be built upon, not changed for the sake of change.

They prefer advice that is specific to their exact situation and make-up.

And they want this up-front, rather than work through it together as part of the coaching process.

This is why I'm launching the LONG GAME Performance Report.

A comprehensive analysis of the elements that drive your studio’s long-term performance, and tailored advice for taking each element to the next level.

Read on for the full description, as well as a limited, reader-only discount.

The LONG GAME Performance Report

At some point, you just feel it.

You should be capable of more, but for some reason it’s just not happening.

And it’s hard to pinpoint any obvious causes, making it near-impossible to start working towards lasting solutions.

That’s where the LONG GAME Performance report comes in.

This report looks at the foundational elements in every company that drive performance, based on my coaching work with 70+ founders and leaders in the videogame industry.

Specifically, I look for fit and completeness.

Fit: Do the management elements of your company add up to a logical whole?

Completeness: Have you taken care of the fundamentals, or are there any gaps?

The report includes a self-assessment element, expert analysis of your actual goals, structures and processes, as well as tailored advice for improving on each of these elements

All of this will be summarized in a 20+ page document, to be discussed in a 60 minute, recorded call.

With this report, you’ll become acutely aware of your strengths and weaknesses in how you run your business.

And thanks to my tailored advice, you’ll know exactly what to do to take each element to the next level.

If this sounds like the upgrade your studio needs right now, click the button below to visit the product page.

And, as a thank you to my long-term readers, the first 5 people to use the code "TLGNL" will get € 300 off at checkout.

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I respect your attention. If these emails ever turn into a burden, I encourage you to unsubscribe - I'll always be grateful for the time we spent in the same orbit.

Martijn van Zwieten

Best practices, models and frameworks that will help you run and grow a business in the videogames industry.

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